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Professional Consulting in Washington State

Providing professional consulting to other mental health professionals who need support with client safety planning, chronic suicidality, and assessing for a higher level of care.

Facing Challenges with a High-Risk Suicidal Client?

Do you have a client with chronic or complex suicidality and need more extensive tools to support them with safety planning and evaluating for a higher level of care?

Do you have a client who is ambivalent or resistant to engaging in safety planning discussions and has difficulty agreeing to keep themselves safe?

Do you have a client hospitalized in an inpatient psychiatric or behavioral health setting and have experienced challenges navigating the system and coordinating their care for discharge?

Are you trying to figure out if you are the best fit to help your client immediately following a crisis?

Your client discharged from the emergency room or transferred to inpatient treatment

My Expertise

I have over eight years of experience working in several different inpatient psychiatric settings with both voluntary and involuntary patients, and three years running groups in a partial hospitalization program. I am very familiar with extensive safety planning and assessment for suicide risk, complex hospital and involuntary (ITA) court system, how to advocate for the needs of clients who are hospitalized, and how to assess the best options for a higher level or transfer of care. I can help determine if you have capacity to continue working with your client, offer recommendations for alternative treatment options, provide suggestions for how to facilitate delicate conversations around their safety risk and what boundaries you have with continuing to work together or not, and instill confidence knowing you are doing the most possible for your client.

Scheduling consultation to make informed decision for best supporting your client.

What I Can Offer:

If any of the above applies to you, I offer secure phone or video consulting to help you process and address your concerns regarding your client, provide insight on in-depth safety planning, higher levels of care, and/or the hospital system, and offer recommendations and solutions based on your client’s needs.

My rate is $120/60 minutes billed to the nearest 15 minutes. Please reach out by email or phone below if you’re interested in discussing a case, and I’m happy to help you at any step in the process!

Please note: I do not offer free consultations for this service.

Video consulting to explore how to move forward with client's needs