Picture of red bridge and small Koi fish pond at Kubota Garden.

Walk and Talk Therapy

Nature therapy in-person in South Seattle at lovely local parks. Discover the benefits of nature walks, and meet your therapy goals while outside to help relieve stress and anxiety, reduce depression, and get into a healthy routine.

If you answer YES to any of these questions, you are in the right place!

  • Have you been wanting to prioritize therapy, but the idea of doing another virtual session staring at your computer screen doesn’t appeal to you?

  • Would you rather be outside enjoying nature or sunshine and could use a motivator to help you get out of the house?

  • Have you been searching for an in-person therapist where you can meet your therapy needs, see your therapist face-to-face, move your body, and get the benefits of being in nature?

Overlooking across a small bridge over a pond, a place we can access on our nature walk at Kubota Garden.

As of May 2024, I am now offering Walk and Talk Nature Therapy sessions!

Join me at one of two local parks: Garden or Beach

Kubota Garden in the Rainier neighborhood of Seattle, is a gorgeous Japanese garden, full of lush, vibrant colors, a variety of walking paths, and charming landscape, such as Koi ponds, to enjoy.

Des Moines Beach Park offers stunning waterfront views where we can walk along the boardwalk, on the beach, or soak up the views at a picnic table or bench.

Beach area overlooking Puget Sound on a sunny day at Des Moines Beach Park.

The Benefits of Nature-Based Therapy are Endless…

Heal your Mind and Body.

Reduce Stress and anxiety. Relax.

Improve your mood. Get Fresh Air.

Feel more Grounded. Increase your Energy.

Increase Mindfulness and stay in the Present.

Release Endorphins. Improve Self-Esteem.

Move your body. Self-Soothe with your senses.

Connect to Nature and your environment.

Walk and Talk Therapy FAQs

For Answers to General FAQs Click Here!

  • Please fill out my contact form and we will schedule a free phone consult. If we are a good fit for one another, we will schedule an intake. After our intake, I will send you a specific WTT questionnaire and consent form to complete. We will review these forms and make sure WTT will be appropriate for you before getting started. Once we complete 3 virtual sessions together, we can start WTT at either park of your choosing.

  • WTT is not completely confidential, as we will be at public parks and being around other people will not always be avoidable. I will do my absolute best to protect your confidentiality during a WTT session. We will also be mindful to try and find spaces that are quieter and away from large crowds.

  • I offer 50 or 80-minute sessions, up to you!

  • I will provide you a list of recommended items before we go. This list includes: a phone, water, a snack, layers, sunscreen, sunglasses, a good pair of walking shoes for the weather, and any allergy medication, such as an EpiPen.

  • Yes! It’s up to you when you want to do WTT, so long as the weather is above 37 degrees and below 85 degrees. Or if it’s more than a little rain, we may switch to a virtual session for safety considerations.

  • Sometimes there are physical health, medical risks, or emotional safety reasons that would make WTT not be the best option for your therapy goals. This is one of the reasons I require 3 virtual sessions to start. We can build rapport together to increase your comfort in participating, and be able to assess for any potential concerns before starting to ensure WTT is beneficial and therapeutic for you!

  • This will be permitted on a case-by-case basis. It would be preferable for your dog and/or baby to be watched by someone else, so you can focus on your therapy goals. If that is not possible, we will have a conversation to talk about if it’s a good idea bringing them. While dogs and babies are very cute, they can often be distracting and may take away from the therapeutic process, so we will decide together if this makes sense for us.


I require a minimum of 3 virtual sessions before starting walk and talk therapy to make sure this program is a good fit for you. This will include our intake session and preparation. Some limitations to walk and talk or nature therapy may be physical or health barriers or comfort level with being in a public place.

Fees for walk and talk therapy are the same cost as my telehealth fees: $150 for 50-minutes or $225 for an 80-minute session. I am an out-of-network provider, but am happy to provide you superbills for partial or full reimbursement to your insurance. 

Please specify if you are interested in walk and talk therapy when you reach out!