Holding hands with another to show support and care.

Therapy for Depression in Washington State

Providing individual counseling for adults experiencing major depressive disorder, situational depression, or depressive symptoms

Do you resonate with any of the following:

  • Feeling run down, tired, and bored of the same thing each day?

  • Noticing you aren’t interested in doing things you used to find enjoyable, or those things no longer bring you joy?

  • Having difficulty getting motivated to get out of bed, leave the house, meet a friend, or go to work?

  • Getting burned out on daily demands and responsibilities?

  • Having a limited support system to lean on?

  • Thinking negatively about life and wishing things were better?

  • Not feeling you have adequate ways to cope, or possibly turning to some unhealthy methods to escape?

  • Experiencing low self-esteem and a lack of purpose in life?

Holding hands up to face, heart stickers on face

Taking the First Step

Depression can feel very isolating, hopeless, and lonely at times. It doesn’t have to always be that way. You may have experienced a small or large event or life change, a series of small challenges adding up, or perhaps you have just been feeling down for no particular reason. Depression is energy-sucking and can quickly lead to low motivation to make changes. Maybe you have tried other therapists, medications, group therapy, support groups, jobs, friends, or hobbies that haven’t been helpful for you. Or perhaps this is your first time seeking out therapy. If you have identified with the symptoms above, want to feel better, and are interested in making changes, I can help. 

Taking steps to start therapy to address your depression during our session

How I Can Help:

I can’t promise your depression will go away overnight, but my hope is to work together to find strategies for reframing negative thoughts you may have, discover coping strategies that bring you comfort, and help rediscover pleasurable activities that fill your cup. We’ll check in regularly regarding current symptoms and help determine what’s working, what’s not helpful, and what’s within and outside of your control. You may not have control over who you’re living with or where you can afford to live, but you may be able to control how you’re spending your time outside of living quarters that can lead to small steps in the right direction. 

In our sessions, I incorporate elements of cognitive restructuring, emotional regulation, acceptance and commitment, and solution-focused treatment. Our work will require some openness and flexibility with getting rid of habits and coping mechanisms that aren’t serving you, but you don’t have to do this alone. I can help get you to get to a place where you feel better, lighter, happier, and can notice your depressive symptoms are lifting. Let’s find a way to get to maintenance with your depression so it’s more manageable, and from there, continue making strides so you can live the life you wish to live.

Sitting on mountain, looking at world around you, feeling relief from depression